Pious knights protect the pilgrim road, bandits hide in deserted corners of space, creatures more than human plot the downfall of the Orders, and the ordinary people do what they must to simply survive. And then there is the dark rumor of a ghost on Uitat, in a fortress long ago abandoned.
Moving through space and across timelines, the wandering nature of this volume invites you to explore a complex galaxy at war and to see it through the eyes of those that dwell there.
- Genre: Space Fantasy
- Print Length: 180
- Publication Date: February 25, 2014
- ISBN: 978-1-938697-42-5
Jennifer Lyn Parsons
A pixel-slinger and code monkey by trade, Jennifer Lyn Parsons is a life-long lover of story with a capital S. Her work has been seen in 365 Tomorrows, Dark Valentine Magazine, and Eternal Haunted Summer, among others. When not writing either code or fiction, she also edits the speculative fiction magazine, Luna Station Quarterly. Sometimes she knits things while watching Doctor Who. She can be reached through her website, jenniferlynparsons.com.