This is a book plucked out of time. It has always been there. You have always known it. In your quiet moments. When the wind and the sky are just so. Tales (and a poem!) of old gods and older truths, of subtle adventure, of love and cooking and, of course, walking.
This is a book of memory, and it’s calling you home.
- Genre: Fantasy
- Print Length: 168
- Publication Date: May 7, 2016
- ISBN: 978-1-938697-64-7
Jennifer Lyn Parsons
A pixel-slinger and code monkey by trade, Jennifer Lyn Parsons is a life-long lover of story with a capital S. Her work has been seen in 365 Tomorrows, Dark Valentine Magazine, and Eternal Haunted Summer, among others. She published her first novel in 2012. When not writing either code or fiction, she reads books and comics, and sometimes makes things out of wool or paper. She finds joy in balancing the digital with the analog. She can be reached through her website, jenniferlynparsons.com.