This is a story about falling in love, about the families we’re born into and the ones we find along the way. It’s about grief and change and bravery. It’s about food and music and discovering our own ways of moving through the world.
But most of all, it’s a story about taking each other as we come, for who we are right now, and who we’re stumbling towards becoming.
- Genre: LGBTQIA+
- Print Length: 480
- Publication Date: February 12, 2020
- ISBN: 978-1-938697-78-4
Jennifer Lyn Parsons
A software engineer by trade, Jennifer Lyn Parsons is a life-long lover of story with a capital S. Her work has been seen in various magazines and she has published three books, with quite a few more in her back pocket. She counts Jim Jarmusch and Laura Ingalls Wilder as two of her biggest influences. Make of that what you will.
When not writing either code or fiction, she reads books and comics, and sometimes makes things out of wool or paper. She finds joy in making things, be they digital or analog. She can be reached through her website, jenniferlynparsons.com.