“You are opener. You are maker. You can be invisible, but you shouldn’t be. You can be invulnerable, but you needn’t be. And you can fly. Always remember, you can fly.”
from The Book of Apples :: Stave 7, Verse 3
With Invisible Compositions, Tara Lindsey continues & expands upon the poetic hypernarrative begun in The Esbat Sequence and sQualor // gLamour.
Part ritual, part exotic travelogue, part love story, part autobiography of a much visited parallel universe, these poems clothe themselves in the language of time travel, floating trees, holographic entities, and other wonders, while simultaneously suggesting deeper, simpler, timeless themes of love, longing and loss.
These are poems for the people of the future. They are also for you, if you are brave enough. Once again, you have been warned.
- Genre: Poetry
- Print Length: 194 pages
- Publication Date: June 2nd, 2015
- ISBN: 978-1-938697-60-9
Tara Lindsey
Tara Lindsey is one iteration of a limitless being known by many names, having adventures throughout the multiverse. Some of those names are in this book.
When she’s not busy wandering, listening, or doing her best village wise woman impression, she spends the vast majority of her life in a place called The Womb, full of books, musical instruments, books, skulls, and still more books.
When no one is looking, she goes by her middle name, Quinn, which used to be a secret, but isn’t anymore.
This is her third book. There will be others.
To learn more about Tara, visit her at: taralindsey.com