A Chapbook of Wonder & Mystery

It’s been a busy three weeks since the launch of the Luna Station 2.0.

Ayahuasca Nights & David, A Rat have been met with such lovely support and goodwill, and while that has been happening, Jennifer and I have been working feverishly behind the scenes to prepare a chapbook of wonder & mystery which we can honestly say is like nothing you’ve ever seen. We invite you into the world of sQualor // gLamour!

If this were the 90’s, we’d call it a zine (though zines never had production values like this!) If this were the music industry, we would call it a single, released between albums. However you want to look at it, it’s a bit of creative continuity connecting my last book, The Esbat Sequence, to the one I have been working on the last few years.

You can find out more about it here, and if you’d like, you can order one from Luna Station Direct.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season!